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Frequently Asked Questions

For over 50 years, Providence Mission Hospital Foundation has been connecting donors with giving opportunities. Your support is sincerely appreciated.



Q: Is Providence Mission Hospital Foundation a 501(c)(3) organization?

A:  Yes. Providence Mission Hospital Foundation was founded in 1992 as a 501 (c)(3) organization.

Q: What is Providence Mission Hospital Foundation's tax identification number (TIN)?

A: The Providence Mission Hospital Foundation’s Federal TIN or EIN is 95-1643360.

Q: How much does the Providence Mission Hospital Foundation spend on fundraising?

A: Providence Mission Hospital Foundation spends less than 25 cents on fundraising administration for every dollar raised.

Q: How does that compare to the national average?

A: When compared to the national average of 25 cents for community hospitals, Providence Mission Hospital Foundation performs better well. 

Q: How is my gift used?

A: All gifts are used exclusively for programs that have a direct, positive impact on the health and wellness of our community. Each gift, regardless of the amount, is greatly appreciated and we ensure that the donors’ wishes and intent are respected.

Q: May I direct my gift to a specific department or program at Providence Mission Hospital?

A: Yes, all donors may designate their gift to a specific institute or fund supporting a fundraising priority for the hospital. Donors also have the opportunity to give to the area of greatest need for Providence Mission Hospital.

Q: Is my gift tax-deductible?

A: While contributions to the Providence Mission Hospital Foundation are considered tax-deductible, individual circumstances vary depending. We recommend you consult with your tax attorney or advisor concerning the deductibility of your gift.

Q: May I apply for a grant from Providence Mission Hospital Foundation?

A: Providence Mission Hospital Foundation is not a grantor. We raise funds specifically to support the initiatives, programs and priorities of Providence Mission Hospital.

Q: What happens with my information after I give to the Providence Mission Hospital Foundation?

A: Personal and financial information pertaining to our donors is not disclosed by Providence Mission Hospital Foundation except as may be required by law.

Donate Today

Together, we can provide care that transforms lives, now and for years to come.

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Give in honor of our doctors
who change lives every day.

Your gift provides hope.

Your support helps save lives!

Make a tax-deductible gift to Providence Mission Hospital today and help transform lives right here in our community.

Contact Us

Call: (949) 364-7783
Address: 27700 Medical Center Road, Medical Office Building 3, Suite 364,
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Email: missionfoundation@providence.org

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