Frequently Asked Questions
For over 50 years, Providence Mission Hospital Foundation has been connecting donors with giving opportunities. Your support is sincerely appreciated.
Q: Is Providence Mission Hospital Foundation a 501(c)(3) organization?
A: Yes. Providence Mission Hospital Foundation was founded in 1992 as a 501 (c)(3) organization.
Q: What is Providence Mission Hospital Foundation's tax identification number (TIN)?
A: The Providence Mission Hospital Foundation’s Federal TIN or EIN is 95-1643360.
Q: How much does the Providence Mission Hospital Foundation spend on fundraising?
A: Providence Mission Hospital Foundation spends less than 25 cents on fundraising administration for every dollar raised.
Q: How does that compare to the national average?
A: When compared to the national average of 25 cents for community hospitals, Providence Mission Hospital Foundation performs better well.
Q: How is my gift used?
A: All gifts are used exclusively for programs that have a direct, positive impact on the health and wellness of our community. Each gift, regardless of the amount, is greatly appreciated and we ensure that the donors’ wishes and intent are respected.
Q: May I direct my gift to a specific department or program at Providence Mission Hospital?
A: Yes, all donors may designate their gift to a specific institute or fund supporting a fundraising priority for the hospital. Donors also have the opportunity to give to the area of greatest need for Providence Mission Hospital.
Q: Is my gift tax-deductible?
A: While contributions to the Providence Mission Hospital Foundation are considered tax-deductible, individual circumstances vary depending. We recommend you consult with your tax attorney or advisor concerning the deductibility of your gift.
Q: May I apply for a grant from Providence Mission Hospital Foundation?
A: Providence Mission Hospital Foundation is not a grantor. We raise funds specifically to support the initiatives, programs and priorities of Providence Mission Hospital.
Q: What happens with my information after I give to the Providence Mission Hospital Foundation?
A: Personal and financial information pertaining to our donors is not disclosed by Providence Mission Hospital Foundation except as may be required by law.